Mr. Karlo Vazquez is a resident of National City, and joined Team Alvarez in Sacramento as part of his 1-month internship program at High Tech High: Point Loma. With a keen interest in local government and public service, Mr. Vazquez excelled at special tasks such as comprehensive research projects that provided important information for budgetary and legislative purposes. Mr. Vazquez completed a reflection of his internship experience below.
I am the son of a hardworking immigrant family (mom and grandma) and a sibling to my brother and sister. I was born and raised in the community of Barrio Logan, but I’m now residing in National City. I am currently a junior at High Tech High Media Arts. HTHMA is a project-based learning school in which every junior has the opportunity to participate in a one-month internship program in a workplace of interest.
I have been lucky enough to be able to do my one-month internship with the Capitol Office of Assemblymember Alvarez. I have been able to work on policy issues such as education and criminal justice reform and research possible bill ideas that would positively impact our community of the 80th Assembly District.
Although my internship has only lasted a month, I will be taking these new skills, experiences, and memories back to San Diego to understand what role state and local governments play in helping and empowering constituents and communities of their respective constituencies. Once I am finished with high school, I plan on becoming a first generation in my family and attending a four-year university.